Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sick Again

Yesterday, I was feeling pretty bad. Had a rough cough, tired, couldn't breathe so well. At the end of the day I felt alright. This morning I woke up not feeling nearly as good. Since I skipped work yesterday, I decided to "gambate" and go to work. Everyone at school, mentioned how I looked like crap. One by one everyone walked in the room, "Daijoubu desu ka?" (Are you ok?) and I would say "Yes" in english, sort of to spite them. They were just trying to be nice but I was annoyed.

I put my head down to rest for about 10 minutes. Sudden I woke up, my stomach was angry, or maybe my other organs were mad at my stomach and decided to beat it up. I shuffled to the bathroom, hacking the whole way and puked in the bathroom. Ewwww.

I told the nurse, "Daijoubu ja nai" (I'm not ok...). We went to talk to the vice principle. He was a nice guy and since he told me to go home as soon as I walked in this morning, I figured he'd be all right if I went home. He said to go to my base school and tell them the deal. He then picked up the phone and called my base school to tell them what's up. I thought, why should I go over there if you are calling them right now? But I did it anyway.

My VP at my base school is a weasel sort of guy and I'm not a big fan of him. He said all kinds of stuff to me which I didn't understand. I just wanted him out of my face so I said "Ok, ok, hai! Wakarimasu!" (Yes, i understand) and walked out.

At the ATM a creepy L shaped obaachan (old lady / grandma) stared at me like I was a strange talking monkey, walking up right. I stumbed into the hospital with 2 jackets on, I was freezing. The nurse does the intake thing on me and I just gave her my notebook I'd written my symptoms in japanese in. My fever was 38.8 or just under 102. They laid me in bed. After 15 or 20 minutes I saw the doctor. He speaks a bit of English so I told me the story. He told me what I had, even wrote it down, but I can't remember it now.

They IV'd me for a hour and a half and I still had a fever, 39.0, by the end. I got a handful medicine and they sent me on my way.

My fever is coming down now and I'm about to go to sleep. This sucks!


Anonymous said...

It's hard for a Mom to know her child(no matter what age) is sick and so far away. I'm so sorry and hope that the visit to the hospital put you in the right path of healing. Wish I could do something. Please buy bottle water and drink as much as you can in the coming days. Maybe it will help flush out whatever it is you caught. Working with children, I understand, you tend to catch things. So sorry.
Love, MOM

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you're sick.
You will be in our thoughts & prayers for a quick recovery.
Try to get some rest.

Anonymous said...

brother! this sucks! i hate to see you sick. somethings up with you. you've always bugged me and mom that we don't take care of ourselves and you might be right but whats up with you! this isn't good. you get sick a lot but not this much. it's your thyroid! annie--quick---help him!
i love you---get well soon!
love anna